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Patent Data

Last updated : 2024.10.11 (KST)
Data Coverage
Data collection Date : YYYY.MM.DD Data Update frequency
US Patent Application Publications Unexam Pub. Date2001.03.15~2024.10.03 Full text, Full-Image(PDF), Drawings, Transaction History, Assignment Data
※ Agent/Attorney (Published information from USPTO is provided until Feb. 24,2011)
Every week
Patent Granted Publications Grant Date1976.01.06~2024.10.08 Full text, Full-Image(PDF), Drawings, Transaction History, Assignment Data Every week
Design Patent Grant Date1976.12.07~2024.10.08 Full text, Full-Image(PDF), Drawings, Transaction History, Assignment Data Every week
Plant Patent Application Date1972.03.07~2024.04.02 Full text, Full-Image(PDF), Drawings, Transaction History, Assignment Data Every week
US Patents Before 1975 Grant Date1790.07.31~1975.12.30 Bibliography, Abstract, Claims, Description, Full-Image, Drawings Completed
EP European Patent Applications Issued Date1978.12.20~2024.10.02 Full-text, Full-Image(PDF), Drawings Every week
Granted European Patents Issued Date1980.01.09~2024.10.02 Full-text, Full-Image(PDF), Drawings Every week
PCT(WO) Issued Date1978.10.19~2024.10.03 Full-text, Full-Image(PDF), Drawings Every week
JP Patent Application Unexamined Publications Unexam Pub. Date1993.01.08~2024.10.03 Full-text, Full-Image(PDF), Drawings Every week
Japanese Translation of PCT Unexam Pub. Date1996.01.09~2024.10.03 Full-text, Full-Image(PDF), Drawings Every week
Domestic Re-Publication of PCT Unexam Pub. Date1992.12.23~2021.07.01 Full-text, Full-Image(PDF), Drawings Every week
Patent Granted Examined Publications Exam Pub. Date1994.01.05~1996.03.29 Full-text, Full-Image(PDF), Drawings Completed
Granted Grant Date1996.03.01~2024.09.25 Full-text, Full-Image(PDF), Drawings Every week
Utility Application Unexamined Publications Unexam Pub. Date1993.01.08~2006.02.09 Full-text, Full-Image(PDF), Drawings irregular
Unexamined Granted Grant Date1994.04.27~2024.09.25 Full text, Full-Image(PDF), Drawings Every week
Utility Granted Examined Publications Exam Pub. Date1994.01.05~1996.03.29 Full-text, Full-Image(PDF), Drawings Completed
Granted Grant Date1996.02.21~2010.04.02 Full-text, Full-Image(PDF), Drawings irregular
PAJ (Patent Abstract of Japan - Unexamined Applications) Unexam Pub. Date1976.10.01~2024.06.28 Bibliographic, Abstract, Full-Image(PDF), Rep. Drawings
※ JP Full-Image(PDF) (Unexam Pub. Date 1989.01.01 ~ Present)
Every month
JP Patents before 1992 Unexam Pub. Date1971.01.01~1992.12.31 Bibliography, Abstract, Claims, Description, Full-Image Completed
Domestic Pub. Date1983.01.01~1995.12.31 Bibliography, Abstract, Claims, Description, Full-Image Completed

∗ Text data is offered in Japanese+English depending on its fields.

∗ As for the JP patents, there could be 3-weeks difference between the date of unexamined publications and the date of Granted.

KR Patent Application Unexamined Publications Unexam Pub. Date1983.03.25~2024.10.08 Full text, Full-Image(PDF), Drawings Every week
Patent Granted Examined Publications Exam Pub. Date1979.07.12~1997.08.08 Full text, Full-Image(PDF), Drawings Completed
Granted Grant Date1997.07.07~2024.10.05 Full text, Full-Image(PDF), Drawings Every week
Utility Application Unexamined Publications Unexam Pub. Date1983.03.25~2024.10.08 Full text, Full-Image(PDF), Drawings Every week
Utility Granted Examined Publications Exam Pub. Date1979.07.11~1997.07.31 Full text, Full-Image(PDF), Drawings Completed
Granted Grant Date1996.04.10~2024.10.02 Full text, Full-Image(PDF), Drawings Every week
KPA (Korea Patent Abstract) KPA-A (Unexamined Applications) Unexam Pub. Date1999.02.05~2023.09.27 Bibliographic, Abstract, Full-Image(PDF), Rep. Drawings irregular
KPA-B1 (Examined Applications) Grant Date1997.07.07~2023.09.25 Bibliographic, Abstract, Full-Image(PDF), Rep. Drawings irregular
KR Patents before 1979 Exam Pub. Date1948.06.20~1979.06.30 Bibliographic, Full-Image(PDF) Completed
1900.01.01~2015.02.10 a standardized person or company name that maintains over 50 patent applications. irregular
1900.01.01~2015.02.10 The whole Korean companies that received an external audit.
The foreign companies that maintain over 50 published patent and utility model documents.
∗ Text data is offered in Korean+English depending on its fields.
CN Patent Application Publications Unexam Pub. Date1985.09.10~2024.10.01 Full text, Full-Image(PDF), Drawings Every week
Patent Granted Publications Grant Date1985.09.10~2024.10.01 Full text, Full-Image(PDF), Drawings Every week
Utility Application Publications Unexam Pub. Date1985.09.10~1992.12.30 Full text, Full-Image(PDF), Drawings Completed
Utility Granted Publications Grant Date1993.01.06~2024.10.01 Full text, Full-Image(PDF), Drawings Every week
Design Grant Date1985.09.10~2024.10.01 Bibliographic, Abstract, Full-Image(PDF), Drawings Every week
∗ Text data is offered in Chinese+English depending on its fields.
Patent Application Publications Unexam Pub. Date1923.03.10~2024.09.26 Full-text, Full-Image(PDF), Rep. Drawings Every week
Patent Granted Publications Grant Date1811.07.11~2024.09.26 Every week
Utility Grant Date1904.04.16~2024.10.02 Every week
Patent Application Publications Unexam Pub. Date1782.07.04~2024.09.25 Full-text, Full-Image(PDF), Rep. Drawings Every week
Patent Granted Publications Grant Date1947.11.05~2024.09.25 Every week
Patent Application Publications Unexam Pub. Date1853.10.25~2024.09.20 Full-text, Full-Image(PDF), Rep. Drawings Every week
Patent Granted Publications Grant Date1819.09.03~2024.09.13 Every week
Utility Unexam Pub. Date1969.08.02~2024.09.20 Every week
Patent Application Publications Unexam Pub. Date1992.10.23~2022.12.27 Full-text, Full-Image(PDF), Rep. Drawings Every week
Patent Granted Publications Grant Date1975.04.25~2023.06.05 Every week
Utility Grant Date1994.06.25~2022.12.27 Every week
Patent Application Publications Unexam Pub. Date2000.01.01~2024.09.20 Full text, Full-Image(PDF), Drawings Every week
Patent Granted Publications Grant Date2000.01.01~2024.09.20 Full text, Full-Image(PDF), Drawings Every week
IN Patents before 1999 Patent Date1912.01.02~1999.12.31 Bibliographic, Abstract, Rep. Drawings Completed
Patent Application Publications Unexam Pub. Date2003.05.01~2024.09.16 Bibliographic, Abstract, Full-Image(PDF), Drawings Every week
Unexam Pub. Date2003.05.01~2024.08.16 Full-text Every month
Patent Granted Publications Grant Date1993.01.01~2024.09.21 Bibliographic, Abstract, Full-Image(PDF), Drawings Every week
Grant Date1993.01.01~2024.09.11 Full-text Every month
Utility Grant Date2000.01.01~2024.09.11 Bibliographic, Abstract, Full-Image(PDF), Drawings Every week
Grant Date2000.01.01~2024.09.11 Full-text Every month
Design Grant Date1964.12.01~2024.09.01 Bibliographic, Abstract, Full-Image(PDF), Drawings Every week
Grant Date1993.01.01~2024.09.01 Full-text Every month
TW Patents before 1992 Patent Grant Date1950.09.20~1992.12.31 Bibliographic, Abstract Completed
Utility Grant Date1991.02.11~1999.12.31 Bibliographic, Abstract Completed
Patent Application Publications Unexam Pub. Date1990.03.31~2024.07.01 Full text, Full-Image(PDF), Administrative Status Every week
Patent Granted Publications Grant Date1869.08.11~2024.07.02 Full text, Full-Image(PDF), Administrative Status Every week
Patent Application Publications Unexam Pub. Date1900.01.24~2024.10.03 Full text, Full-Image(PDF), Drawings Every week
Patent Granted Publications Grant Date1900.01.14~2024.10.03 Every week
Utility Patent Date1979.06.25~2024.10.03 Every week
Patent Application Publications Unexam Pub. Date1936.06.08~2024.03.30 Full text, Full-Image(PDF), Drawings Every week
Patent Granted Publications Grant Date1909.10.21~2017.05.15 Every week
Utility Grant Date1978.01.02~2024.04.17 Every week
Patent Application Publications Unexam Pub. Date1913.07.01~2024.09.09 Full text, Full-Image(PDF), Drawings Every week
Patent Granted Publications Grant Date1912.11.01~2024.09.09 Every week
Utility Grant Date1995.05.18~2013.12.31 Every week
Others AUSTRIA Patent Date1899.07.10~2024.09.15 Bibliographic, Abstract Every week
SWITZERLAND Patent Date1888.11.29~2024.09.13 Bibliographic, Abstract Every week
DENMARK Patent Date1895.03.25~2024.09.23 Bibliographic, Abstract Every week
SPAIN Patent Date1827.03.14~2024.09.25 Bibliographic, Abstract Every week
FINLAND Patent Date1842.06.29~2024.09.27 Bibliographic, Abstract Every week
SWEDEN Patent Date1885.06.05~2024.09.24 Bibliographic, Abstract Every week
75+ View Detail Patent Date1842.08.11~2024.09.27 Bibliographic, Abstract Every week
∗ Some data is provided in native language instead of English.

ETC Data

ETC Data Coverage
Data collection Date : YYYY.MM.DD Data Update frequency
FTO Generic FDA Orange Book Approved Prior to 1982.01.01~2024.09.11 Products Data, Exclusivity Data, Patent Data Every month
Trial & Appeal & Litigation
Country Period Database Update Cycle
Trial & Appeal KR 1957.01.10 ~ 2024.09.24 (Request Date) Intellectual Property Tribunal and related patent court, the Supreme Court Every week
JP 1965.04.02 ~ 2024.10.01 (Request Date) Intellectual Property Tribunal and the related litigation Every week
US - BPAI 1776.07.04 ~ 2024.10.07 (Decision Date) BPAI (Appeal, Interference) Every week
US - PTAB 2012.09.16 ~ 2024.09.24 (Request Date) PTAB (IPR, PGR, CBM, DER) Every week
EP 1980.09.29 ~ 2024.08.28 (Opposition Date) Appeal, Objection to decision Every week
Litigation US 1963.03.04 ~ 2024.09.29 (Filing Date) Litigation by a competent court (Federal District court, Supreme court, ITC, CAFC) Every week
Data collection
Data collection Data Update frequency
Standardized Name of Applicant Corporations or institutions that have applied for more than 50 patents (+utility) in a single country Korean standardized name include external audit corporations The standardized names and the codes may be deleted or changed for reasons such as mergers and acquisitions of companies, change of name, etc Frequently
  • Full text : Bibliographic, Abstract, Claims, Description
  • Our regularly scheduled system update period, we apply the new data from Patent Authorities to our service in order. Due to our sequential data processing, WIPS contents would be differentiated from the Patent Authorities at a specific date.
  • We do not provide the Patent Full-Image(PDF) in case the authorities does not provide the Patent Full-Image(PDF) or the Patent Full-Image(PDF) has raw data error. (List of Patents with no Patent Full-Image(PDF))
    • CN
      • The CN data provides human translation on the title of the invention, the applicant, the applicant's nationality, the inventor, and the abstract.
      • Human translation data is updated monthly. (Four months difference may occur after publication.)
    • IN
      • According to data source, some of PCT filed since 2003 have different application no. with the original document.
    • TW
      • Due to the time of translation from the supplier, the full claim and the description of invention of the latest documents can be provided later than the bibliographic information.
      • According to the cycle of the data supply, there may be a time difference of about one month after publication until the full claim and the description of invention of the latest document are searchable in the service.
      • Due to irregular supply, the drawing data is provided at different timing with the bibliographic information.
    • AU, IT, NL
      • Due to some reasons of data source, claims and descriptions of inventions may not be complete. Please check the original document(PDF).
    • Original documents(PDF)
      • DE, GB, FR, RU, and CA original documents(PDF) are provided using the EPO Open Patent Service.
      • JP original documents(PDF) is created by WIPS Co., Ltd. based on data issued by the Japan Patent Office.